Public Service Local Police
The Turda Local Police Public Service operates as a local police structure, through the reorganization of the Community Police, based on article 3 of Law 155/2010, the law of Local Police "at the level of the commune, city, municipality or sector of the municipality of Bucharest, as the case may be, where the community police is established according to the provisions of Law No. 371/2004 on the establishment, organization and operation of the Community Police, with subsequent amendments and supplements, it is reorganized as a structure of "Local Police" by the Turda Local Council Decision No. 17 of 28.02.2011 and HGR 1332/2010 on the approval of the general regulation for the organization and operation of the local police.
- Ensure and maintain public order and tranquility within the municipality of Turda;
- Conduct activities to prevent antisocial and administrative offenses and crimes;
- Ensure compliance with legal norms regarding the cleanliness and hygiene of the locality, street commerce, environmental protection, discipline in construction, traffic on public roads, monitoring of educational institutions, parks, recreational areas, etc.
- Provide accompaniment and protection for representatives of local public institutions, in order to carry out inspections or enforce decisions of the Mayor of the municipality of Turda and decisions of the Local or County Council;
- Constate and apply administrative sanctions in accordance with current legal acts.
TUESDAY: 10:00-12:00
THURSDAY: 11:00-13:00
MONDAY-THURSDAY: 07:00-15:30
FRIDAY: 07:00-13:00
MONDAY-SUNDAY: 07:00-22:00
Address: Str. Tineretului, No. 6
Phone: 0264 316 681